So long farewell... au revoir...
I hate goodbyes. Yet here I stand with one door closing and another one opening in September. A rash decision? I think not... yet I am leaving an amazing career as a teacher to sit on the other side of the desk. After four years of teaching grade 8 with the most amazing staff, I am off for a new adventure.
My dream for many years now of living in Montreal, Quebec is happening. I am leaving behind the security of a great job, a loving community of friends and families for a world of music, snow, & study. In just 2 months I will be heading off to Montreal to enroll in a one year music certificate program - which excites me!
So although I know that I am leaving a lot behind... soon a new door will open with suprises, challenges, and much learning on the other side.
Maybe being on the other side of the desk isn't so bad after all. I will soon find out, and let you know!