Tuesday, 21 June 2011

A New Chapter...

So long farewell... au revoir...

I hate goodbyes. Yet here I stand with one door closing and another one opening in September. A rash decision? I think not... yet I am leaving an amazing career as a teacher to sit on the other side of the desk. After four years of teaching grade 8 with the most amazing staff, I am off for a new adventure.

My dream for many years now of living in Montreal, Quebec is happening. I am leaving behind the security of a great job, a loving community of friends and families for a world of music, snow, & study. In just 2 months I will be heading off to Montreal to enroll in a one year music certificate program - which excites me!

So although I know that I am leaving a lot behind... soon a new door will open with suprises, challenges, and much learning on the other side.

Maybe being on the other side of the desk isn't so bad after all. I will soon find out, and let you know!


  1. SS,

    First follower... first commenter. Fitting no? ;)

    Of course I'd follow your empty (well not anymore) blog! I believe in not only what I see in you already, but in everything that is to come.

    We don't know what lies on the other end of our obedience Ames. So I'm excited. I'm expectant. And I'm sure I don't even have to say - I'm going to miss you in crazy fool proportions dear friend.

    There's a lot to be written here that has yet to be realized. And I'll still be here cheering you on just the same.

    Love you,
    K xo

  2. moving away?? NOOoooo! well, i guess its ok but will miss you much amy. May God lead you in all your ways!
    Jim Millard

  3. this is awesome, Amy. Why not??! I'm so glad you're doing this! Keep posting to let us know how it goes, and to tell us where we can buy your first CD!
