Tuesday, 8 November 2011

L`art de la comparaison.... The Art of Comparing....

La beauté de la diversité...

La diversité fait la beauté... mais est-ce que nous le croyons? Si la diversité est si beau pourquoi nous sommes constantement en train de nous comparer aux autres autour de nous? Pourquoi est-ce que notre valeur et notre estime-de-soi sont basées sur ce que nous faisons... et changent avec les environnements différents? Est-ce que la comparaison a des bienfaits pour nous? Ou est-ce qu`elle n`amène que des effets négatifs?

de la comparaison
Leads us to ask questions
What am I not like ______ ?
I am not as ________ as ______?
de la comparaison
Can either puff us up
Or tear our sails
But in any case, it destroys our souls
And prevents us from living like we were intended to live

I have a tendancy to fall prey to l`art de la comparaison. Living in a tight community with 12 talented musicians in a music certificate program l`art de la comparaison is apt to abound. It is easy to compare one`s voice, one`s musical capacity, one`s skill on an instrument.

This weekend, at Mission`s Fest in Montréal, I was in this creative prayer room when a young man approached me saying that he felt God wanted me to know that my gift is precious to him, it is unique, and God would want me to stop comparing myself to others. I stood there taking in his words, and tried to hold back the tear that wandered it`s way down my cheek. How did he know that I fall prey to l`art de comparaison? How did he know that was exactly what I needed to hear?

I believe that this message is meant to be shared. You see... God has blessed you with a certain talent that is unique, and you are the only one that can share that precious gift. So kiss good-bye this art de comparaison, and embrace who you were created to be!

1 comment:

  1. Amyyyy. I LOVE this. It is truly beautiful. Thank you for the reminder of how God views us: each one as unique. You encourage me! Love your littlest sis!
